Low maintenance, this plant is deer resistant and generally pest and disease free.Perfect as a specimen plant, as a hedge or screen, for cottage gardens.
#Cornus mas schneiden full#
#Cornus mas schneiden pro#
In der Regel wächst sie 20 - 30 cm pro Jahr. Staunässe muss jedoch auch vermieden werden. Wuchs Cornus mas wächst buschig, aufrecht, breit und erreicht gewöhnlich eine Höhe von 3 - 4 m und wird bis zu 3 - 5 m breit. Additionally, due to the fact of mutual infiltration of Asian and European medicines, the. Die Erde sollte im Sommer nicht zu trocken gehalten werden. Fruits of Cornus mas and Cornus officinalis are representative plant materials traditionally used in Europe and Asia, respectively, in the treatment of diabetes and diabetes-related complications, which are often mediated by pathogenic inflammatory agents. Daneben schafft ihre Schnittverträglichkeit und Wuchsfreudigkeit weitere gute Voraussetzung für eine erfolgreiche Bonsaigestaltung. Ziergehölz, Hecke (Schnitt), Bienenweide, Vogelnährpflanze, Marmelade, Likör. Die Kornelkirsche weist eine gute Frosthärte auf. Bevorzugter Standort in sonniger bis halbschattiger Lage. In addition, their ability to cut and grow creates further good conditions for a successful bonsai design. Als Strauch blüht und fruchtet sie auch schon mit einem Alter von nur 3-5 Jahren. Cornus mas ist ein Herzwurzler und bildet, je nach Boden, dicht verzweigte Wurzeln. As a shrub, it flowers and produces fruit when it is only 3-5 years old. The glorious blooms and bright red fruits of the cornelian cherry are certainly one of the main reasons why it should not be missing in any bonsai collection.

The wood also grows extremely dense, making it the hardest in all of Europe.

In autumn the leaves turn yellow-orange and reddish. The leaves of the cornel are elliptical, glossy green and bluish from below. The flowers are also a very valuable pasture for bees and in the course of the year they turn into shiny red edible fruits. 16 years Characteristics: attractive.Height: 40 cm (incl. bowl) Foliage: deciduous Bonsai vessel: ceramic pot Age: ca. In spring, however, it is often the first species of wood that attracts attention with its lush, bright yellow flowers and arouses anticipation for spring. Order number: 1049-K-22-2061 Height: 40 cm (incl. The native Cornelian cherry grows rather inconspicuously in our area as a large shrub or small tree on the edge of the forest or in bushes.